Caustic Blueprint for a Memory of Rotation

Moby Dick Cored and Submerged

Domestic Aggregate (or Fur-Brain and Laundered Notes)

Book Cores, Samples, and Slices
Cup Projection Drawings

Feline Bezoar Discovery Report

Molten Ambergris

Ladd Observatory Display Case Models
Ladd Observatory Trophies

Possible Landing Sites

For Another Harvest of the Sky

Indefinity Box

Failing The Sun

Gather Walk


Ode to the Horizon

Hairball Antibubble

A Chandelier of Sorts

Our Shared Exhilation

Self Sun

Vitrified Breaths

In Search of New Proxy Evidence

Tops and Bottoms

Sedimental Keepsake
Visual Dissection Box

Earthquake Detection Box

A Stereoscopic Approach to Knowledge

One Rock Transports: Adrift: In a Box